Francisco Xavier Martínez Cobas

Francisco Xavier Martínez Cobas is currently a tenured lecturer of Financial Economics and Accounting at the University of Vigo. He teaches the M.Sc. in Foreign Trade at the Charles III University of Madrid. He is a member of the board of Editorial Galaxia and member of the boards of trustees of the Isla Couto Foundation and the Penzol Foundation. Previously, he was the vice-chancellor of institutional relations of the University of Vigo (2003-2006), general manager of RC Celta Vigo (2006-2007), and commissioner of strategic plans of the University of Vigo (2010-2018). His qualifications include a Ph.D. in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Vigo and an M.Sc. in Accounting and Accounts Auditing from the same university. His main areas of research are small and medium enterprises and the generation of social value. He was a visiting professor or researcher in the Bombardier Chair (Trois Rivičres, Quebec, Canada), the Gaston Dachary University (Argentina), the Catholic University of Mozambique and the Free University of Bolzano (Italy), as well as teaching masters at the Universities of Deusto and Las Palmas.

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